Monday, February 13, 2012

"Let America Be America Again"

The two perspectives shown in "Let America Be America Again" are that of those to try to gain the American Dream, and those who have accomplished the American Dream and try to take the dream from others. In the “dog eat dog world” in which the successful feast on the weak and misfortunate only inequality rises. The only way that the inequality could possibly end would be if not even a single person accomplished what they set out to do, and that is not what the American Dream is. But if everyone achieved the American Dream than most would continue to try and place a wall between themselves and others, to try and keep more power to themselves. If they one gained more power than the other than they would separate each other again because of inequality in power and wealth. The poor think that there is more hope in America than anywhere else, so they travel here only to find that things are mostly the same. But they don’t lose their hope like anyone who goes through hardships.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

If Wilson was the Narrator

“Hope you get better Wilson. I better go back to the restaurant,” said Michaelis.
I still have a faint hope that I’m wrong and that Myrtle isn’t cheating on me. If she is, then it must be with Michaelis. Deep inside me, I truly never trusted that man. Well soon enough both of us are going to leave this place and move west with the money I make from selling Tom’s car. He truly is trust worthy, even helping me by giving me the car I have been asking for a long time now.
 I started on my way to bed when Myrtle left her room. I tried to stop her from leaving the house but it all ended in me and her fighting. I couldn’t stand it any longer, the fatigue that I have been feeling since earlier and now a fight with the person I had loved the most. I couldn’t stop myself in time, I hit her. If there was a time that I would want to erase from my life it would be right then and there. I felt more pain in hitting her than she did. I truly believed that.
“Beat me!” she said. “Throw me down and beat me you dirty little coward!”
I didn’t even try to stop her; I just stood there and listened to her last words.